© John Beattie.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_1_ Long Distance Drawing Beattie.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

McNaughton's Tree
Video still, duration 12mins, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_2_ Long Distance Drawing Beattie.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

McNaughton's Tree
Video still, duration 12mins, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_3 Long Distance Drawing Beattie.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

McNaughton's Tree
Video still, duration 12mins, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_4 Long Distance Drawing Beattie.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

McNaughton's Tree
Video still, duration 12mins, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_5 Drawing.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

McNaughton's Tree.
Ball point pen drawing on canvas board, 10inch x 12inch, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_Context Galley 2.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

Mc Naughton's Tree
Solo Show, The Orchard Gallery, Derry, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_context gallery 1.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

Mc Naughton's Tree
Solo Show, The Orchard Gallery, Derry, 2007.

https://www.johnbeattie.ie/files/gimgs/th-69_Context Gallery 3.jpg
'The Artist Studio Series' Long Distance Drawing

Mc Naughton's Tree
Solo Show, The Orchard Gallery, Derry, 2007.